Experience more data insights through privacy enabled tracking

Affiliate Tracking SaaS Pricing

Starting from $ 650 / month

Full WhiteLabel | Fraud Prevention | Data Privacy Hub | Link Testing Tool | Compliance Filters | Expert Advice
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Expert advice on Tracking and Fraud

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Get real-time statistics and share traffic reports

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Fraud Prevention

Automate Fraud Rejection management

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Multi-channel Attribution for Conversions and Events

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Data Privacy

Enable Data Privacy for sensitive campaigns

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Combine Tracking with Fraud Prevention

This is what our clients said about us

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Revlum Logo

Their outstanding support made our onboarding smooth, allowing us to quickly set up our first campaigns. Access to their Slack Group has been incredibly convenient and efficient.

Great Support when you need it​

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revenue boost icon

Our Affiliate Tracking Platform, featuring Fraud Prevention, is pivotal. It assures clients, attracts new ones, and maintains quality across our affiliate network.

Enabling new Business

Switching to their all-in-one platform streamlined processes, saving significantly on costs. No need for separate tools; seamless integration provided everything, boosting efficiency and saving money.

Cost Savings

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Rankmyapp Logo

We support your growth journey​

You get more than you expect for less than you think

Unlimited Tracking Domains​

Automatic SSL certificates and unlimited tracking domains.
Domain Icon

Transparent Pricing Tiers​

Our pricing tiers are easy to understand and grow with your scale.
Transparent Pricing

Expert Advice​

Our experts can help you on best practices , data privacy and fraud prevention topics.
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Unlimited Seats & Access​

Manage any number of users, clients, partners, and channels.
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Full API Access​

Full control on API support for reports , offer creation and more.
API Integration Icon

Process Automation​

Receive email alerts and automate conversion rejections.
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Whitelabel Platform​

Your own portal with your logo and your domain.
Whitelabel Icon

99.99% Uptime

Resiliant infrastructure that prevents downtime and enables low latency redirects.
Uptime Icon

Yes! We require a 6-month minimum contract that allows us to give you a full onboarding and time for you to familiarize yourself with all the features.

Yes, we offer direct integrations with Shopify and Stripe. For other platforms, you can use our JavaScript SDK or Server-to-Server tracking.

Our Affiliate tracking platform is the industry’s only SaaS solution that seamlessly integrates Compliance Scans, Tracking, and Advanced Fraud Prevention. This unique combination offers several advantages:

  1. Focus on Data Privacy and Compliance: We are the only tracking platform in the market focused on Data Privacy and Compliance. This gives us a competitive edge over other platforms.
  2. Integrated Fraud Prevention: Unlike other platforms, we have one fully integrated, native Fraud Prevention solution. Its fully integrated into the platform and allows you to screen and block Fraud for Clicks, Conversions and Impressions.
  3. Better Integration: By unifying these crucial components, we provide a smoother, more cohesive experience that surpasses the capabilities of standalone solutions.
  4. More Cost-Effective: Our all-in-one package is more affordable than purchasing and integrating separate tools, offering superior value for your investment.
  5. A more simplified workflow: With all tools together, you’ll enjoy a streamlined workflow, reducing the complexity of managing multiple systems and vendors.

Yes, advanced Fraud Detection is a core component of our platform. Our solution offers:

  • Real-time screening for clicks, conversions, and impressions
  • Tight integration with our affiliate tracking system
  • No need for separate fraud prevention tools
  • Enhanced fraud prevention accuracy
  • Improved overall platform performance
  • Significant cost savings for our clients

Our comprehensive approach ensures robust protection against fraudulent activities while streamlining your affiliate marketing operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have more questions? Reach out to our team and we'll make sure to get them answered.

Ready to build your affiliate program?

Focus on what really matters and build your affiliate program with more confidence and security.

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