Experience more data insights through privacy enabled tracking

Affiliate Tracking

With integrated data privacy, compliance and fraud-prevention.


Accurate % seamless integrations

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Server-to-Server, JavaScript SDK

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Filter Adult & Illegal Streaming Sites

AI enabled content filters

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Realtime Fraud Prevention

Realtime Fraud Prevention

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Enabling privacy sensitive campaigns

IP Privacy & Hasging Algorithms

Data Privacy Dashboard
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Wide Range of Integration options

Tracking integration options are crucial for effective data collection and analysis. By offering pixel integration, server-to-server communication, JavaScript SDK, and parallel tracking, businesses can choose the method that best suits their technical infrastructure and marketing goals.

Accurate % seamless integration

Why AdSecurity is the Smart Choice for Your Business ​

1 Stop Solution

Simplify and save with our all in one solution. Combining tracking, fraud prevention, data compliance and link testing it eliminates the need for multiple tools and saves you time and money.

Transparent Pricing

Cost savings

Better Decisions

Data drives affiliate success. Our analytics shows you key performance metrics, audience behavior and revenue trends so you can make data driven decisions to optimize and grow your campaigns.

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More insights

Fast Redirects

25ms redirects and global server presence is key to affiliate success. Minimizes latency, improves user experience, boosts conversions and enables you to run globally across many markets.

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Low latency network

Unlimited Domains

White labeling and custom domains increases brand recognition and professionalism in affiliate tracking. We offer unlimited domains at no extra cost so you can scale your program without increasing costs.

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Full whitelabel

Traffic Screening

Protect your affiliate campaigns with our advanced fraud prevention system. 43 AI powered, customizable filters and real-time blocking capabilities to stop sophisticated fraud attempts with unprecedented accuracy and speed.

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Advanced fraud prevention

99.99% Uptime

We have a solid global network and outages are rare. But if they do happen our automatic region failover ensures service is never interrupted so you can keep performing and growing your affiliate revenue.

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Uptime SLA

Data Privacy is at the core of everything we do

Ensuring compliance with the strictest data Privacy standards across the world. (GDPR, CCPA, LGPD)

CCPA Logo for Data Privacy
GDPR Logo for Data Privacy
LGPD Logo for Data Privacy

180M+ Conversions tracked​

We process billions of clicks, conversions and impressions through our low latency and fault tolerant tracking.

Tracking Platform App
Tracking Platform App
Fraud Prevention Dashboard

realtime click / impression / conversion screening

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Native integration for Fraud-Prevention on all Levels. Detect and stop Bots, Clickfarms, Proxies, Fake Signups, Duplicates and much more. Includes automatic syncing with the advertiser’s rejections. All inclusive at zero extra costs.

Fraud Prevention

Fraud Prevention Dashboard
Man with folded arms Image

Build Trusted Partnerships with AdSecurity

so that you can focus on the scaling of your Partner Marketing instead of struggling with compliance issues.

Data Privacy Hashing Algorithm
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Uniting Affiliate Tracking and Data Privacy

Our innovative platform merges affiliate tracking with robust data privacy. We store only hashed values, ensuring security. Marketers gain valuable campaign insights while maintaining privacy. You are in control what data you want to share and with whom.

Fraud Prevention


More Data Insights

Making better decisions through added data points while staying privacy compliant is a must have feature for marketers in 2024.

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Integrated Fraud Screening

Our custom built in Fraud Prevention screens traffic on all levels and can even synchronise with other Fraud Solutions in realtime.

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Cost Reduction

An all-in-one solution that integrates tracking, a data privacy hub, and a fraud prevention suite, all at the cost of a standard tracking platform.

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Real Added Value for Marketers​

Privacy friendly Tracking combined with Fraud Prevention in a single solution.​

A.I Enabled checks​

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Compliance is crucial in affiliate marketing to maintain brand integrity and avoid legal issues. Our AI-powered Compliance checks automatically identify sites that do not adhere to your program rules.

Fraud Prevention

This is what our clients said about us
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Revlum Logo

Their outstanding support made our onboarding smooth, allowing us to quickly set up our first campaigns. Access to their Slack Group has been incredibly convenient and efficient.

Great Support when you need it​
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revenue boost icon

Our Affiliate Tracking Platform, featuring Fraud Prevention, is pivotal. It assures clients, attracts new ones, and maintains quality across our affiliate network.

Enabling new Business

Switching to their all-in-one platform streamlined processes, saving significantly on costs. No need for separate tools; seamless integration provided everything, boosting efficiency and saving money.

Cost Savings

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Rankmyapp Logo

Why AdSecurity is the best choice for eCommerce Advertisers

We are the first partner marketing platform that combines modern tracking, data privacy, compliance features and fraud prevention into a single platform. Everything in perfect sync to enable even the most data privacy sensitive campaigns and analytics.

We use cookies on our site to ensure and enhance its functionality. With your permission, we would like to set cookies to help us analyze traffic. You can withdraw your consent anytime. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Cookie Policy