Experience more data insights through privacy enabled tracking

E-commerce Marketing Platform

Boost your
eCommerce Sales​

Grow your e-commerce platform with the full power of partner marketing. Use our advanced analytics, tracking, and anti-fraud features to scale faster.

e-commerce kart illustration

Manage, track and optimize every stage of the shopping sales funnel

Grow your e-commerce platform with the full power of partner marketing. Use our advanced analytics, tracking, and anti-fraud features to scale faster.
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Cross Device Tracking

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CPL / CPS / CPA payout models

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Customer Journey

Flag Icon

Whitelabel Platform

Cost Savings Icon

Coupon Codes

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S2S and pixel integration

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Deep Linking

e-commerce phone illustration
e-commerce phone illustration

More insights into your traffic

Choosing the right traffic sources and optimizations is key for any eCommerce affiliate program. Our real-time analytics offer insights into shopping-cart values and conversion rates while detecting compliance issues and blocking click fraud proactively.

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Cross Device Tracking

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CPL / CPS / CPA payout models

Shield Icon

Customer Journey

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Coupon Codes

Cost Savings Icon

S2S and pixel integration

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Deep Linking

e-commerce best sale illustration
e-commerce best sale illustration

Data Privacy for eCommerce Advertisers

Ensuring compliance with strictest Data Privacy standards across the world. (GDRP, CCPA , LGPD)

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Data Privacy for Affiliate Marketers

Maintain 100% Data Privacy

Emails, Phone Numbers and other private information automatically get non reversibly hashed in your system to maintain privacy and security.

Uniting Affiliate Tracking and Data Privacy

Our innovative platform merges affiliate tracking with robust data privacy. We store only hashed values, ensuring security. Marketers gain valuable campaign insights while maintaining privacy. You are in control what data you want to share and with whom.

Fraud Prevention

Uniting Affiliate Tracking and Data Privacy

Our innovative platform merges affiliate tracking with robust data privacy. We store only hashed values, ensuring security. Marketers gain valuable campaign insights while maintaining privacy. You are in control what data you want to share and with whom.

Fraud Prevention

Uniting Affiliate Tracking and Data Privacy

Our innovative platform merges affiliate tracking with robust data privacy. We store only hashed values, ensuring security. Marketers gain valuable campaign insights while maintaining privacy. You are in control what data you want to share and with whom.

Fraud Prevention

Why AdSecurity is the best choice for eCommerce Advertisers

We are the first partner marketing platform that combines modern tracking, data privacy, compliance features and fraud prevention into a single platform. Everything in perfect sync to enable even the most data privacy sensitive campaigns and analytics.

This is what our clients said about us

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Revlum Logo

Their outstanding support made our onboarding smooth, allowing us to quickly set up our first campaigns. Access to their Slack Group has been incredibly convenient and efficient.

Great Support when you need it​

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Our Affiliate Tracking Platform, featuring Fraud Prevention, is pivotal. It assures clients, attracts new ones, and maintains quality across our affiliate network.

Enabling new Business

Switching to their all-in-one platform streamlined processes, saving significantly on costs. No need for separate tools; seamless integration provided everything, boosting efficiency and saving money.

Cost Savings

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Rankmyapp Logo

We use cookies on our site to ensure and enhance its functionality. With your permission, we would like to set cookies to help us analyze traffic. You can withdraw your consent anytime. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Cookie Policy